I am pleased to announce that I have sold my SECOND work of short fiction. As before, I have been requested not release the publication details yet.
This particular story stretched me as a writer. The theme was not something that I was familiar with before starting. Getting the story right required lots of research, but I couldn't be more pleased with the result.
Look out for an official announcement about my story and where it will be available soon. Unfortunately, the publication in which it is to be included will not be available to consumers until the spring or summer of this year. Still, I plan to write a few articles about the story and its inspiration during the wait.
2025 got off to a rocky start for me and my family. We had multiple trips to urgent care, one trip to the ER, and we were iced in our home for an entire week. Thankfully, January's hardships appear to be in the rearview mirror. February is looking to be much more productive for my writing. I am adding polish to my completed drafts (more on that here) and working on a collection of children's stories inspired by adventures with my own kids. The latter project really inspires me and I think it includes some of my best work to date.
Future GOALS
I am launching a Substack!
Substack is a platform that allows writers and other content creators to publish newsletters and build a subscription-based audience. While my site on the platform is live, it is nowhere near ready for subscribers. My goal with Substack is to publish several of my stories regularly and to grow as a writer frowithm direct feedback from a wider audience. I expect to have my first stories published on the platform by April.
Publishing a Novel
In addition to publishing short stories on my Substack and elsewhere, I am exploring the possibility of serializing one of my novels. This would mean publishing one chapter every few weeks to subscribers and giving readers some input on how the story goes. Again, I plan on making this available in April. Look out for more information next month.
My creative interests go beyond the written word. Art is also an important outlet for expressing myself, and I am trying to produce quality illustrations to accompany some of my stories. I am already working on illustrated bookmarks inspired by some of my short stories and would love to have each chapter in my novel include illustrations. However, good art takes time, so it may be a while before you hear more on this topic.
Thank you for your interest in my life and writing. See you soon,